Premium dealer 2016 from HP Velotechnik
Posted by Jason Elliott Harris on
We're going to Spezi! (but we will return)
Posted by Jason Elliott Harris on
Well, like, we're going to Spezi. The fair for special bicycles (recumbent bikes, of course, are included in the category) takes place in Germersheim on the last weekend of April. And we will be there. In addition to finding out, seeing and touching everything latest on the market, this is a special trip because we are going to select the velomobiles in which we will cross Europe, on pedals and at full speed, during the 3ike Challenge 2017. When we return we will see each other and talk about all the wonders we have found there...
We're going to Spezi! (but we will return)
Posted by Jason Elliott Harris on
Well, like, we're going to Spezi. The fair for special bicycles (recumbent bikes, of course, are included in the category) takes place in Germersheim on the last weekend of April. And we will be there. In addition to finding out, seeing and touching everything latest on the market, this is a special trip because we are going to select the velomobiles in which we will cross Europe, on pedals and at full speed, during the 3ike Challenge 2017. When we return we will see each other and talk about all the wonders we have found there...